Tuesday, March 5, 2013

App for Hair Journey!!!

This is just a quick little post to let those of you who may not be aware that there is a hair journal app on the iPhone, I'm not sure if its available to Android users but you are welcomed to check!! It's called "Hair Journal"

I find it extremely useful to keep account of even the smallest details of what I've done to my hair.
It is set up to where you can have more than one profile.
That comes in handy if say you & your sister are both using the app on a shared device.
As you can see it has tabs for a hair diary:
Which contains a calendar to pick a date & allow you to write down any notes, measurements, or pics for that specific date. 

It also contains an entire photo album where you can see all if the pics collectively 
 But to only see certain pics for a specific day you would need to go to the calendar inside of the diary & click on that specific day.

Then there is a tab to list your favorite products, staple prods & what you like about them!
If you are anything like me, keep your phone at hand & have to FIND time to even physically write on notebook & paper lol, this may be the app for you!!! I have literally used this EVERYDAY since downloading!! Just thought I'd share :-)



  1. Aaawwww...it's not available for android apparently. really wanted to try this. :(


    1. Hi Andrea,

      We just wanted to let you know that 'Hair Journal' is now available for android:


      Give it a try and let us know what you think via the in-app feedback function :)

      Hair Journal Team

  2. This is very cool. I need to check it out. Thanks for sharing. :)

  3. OMG, would love this. I use a notepadnow for my washes but this would be so perfect.I'm android so I may be out of luck.

    1. Hi LaQT/Ty,

      Still using notepadnow for your washes ? Well we're finally showing Android users some love because the app is now available for Android devices :)


      Give it a try and let us know what you think via the in-app feedback function :)

      Hair Journal Team

  4. I would love to have this app as well but since I'm android I may be unable to which sucks because it looks like it'd be awesome.

    1. Hi Angela,

      We love Android too so we've developed a version of the app for Android :) It's just as good as the iOS version and we're committed to constantly improving the app in response to user feedback & suggestions.


      Give it a try and let us know what you think via the in-app feedback function :)

      Hair Journal Team

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